Welcome to the Chrysler Supplier Pickup Management Portal

*  Please schedule pick-ups by noon on the day prior to your ship day.

*  Please ensure your shipment does not fall into a T/L or UPS category before scheduling.

T/L - Any one shipment consigned to one destination that is 75% or more of a 53' trailer or totals of 19,999 lbs. or more is considered a truckload and should be shipped with a truckload carrier.
UPS(small pkg) - 150 lbs. or less and girth (circumference) plus length that is less than 130' in.
Contact Chrysler Mopar/Ryder Helpline at 1-888-303-0033 if further direction is needed.

Chrysler Division Pickups

For Pickup at Supplier Location (Chrysler)

Supplier Code:
Supply ForceShipment:
For Pickup at Chrysler Plant Location

Plant Code:
Supply Force Shipment:

Freightliner Pickups

For Pickup at Supplier Location (Freightliner)

For Pickup at Freightliner Plant Location

If you are a Chrysler Division supplier and do NOT have a Supplier Code,
please click the link below to submit company information to Chrysler.


 If you have a pickup request or other LTL shipments not consigned to Chrysler,
please click the link below to visit the main Central Transport website.


For additional assistance please e-mail chryslerquestion@gocentraltransport.com.